Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Cards....

Our Christmas Card this year went cowboy.
We were going to attempt to get the dogs in the picture... but when Bear came running soaked and muddy from the pond we cut them out quick.
Our second pick... equally cute!
We has a tree adventure. There is a large oak in front of our house and thought a picture up in it would be cute. Getting up was tough... Shaw lifted me and then did a little monkey move to get up. Once we got some shots and was out of daylight we attemped to get down. Michelle had to get a ladder.

I was so excited that most photos got there before Christmas. I put them all together on Saturday in hope to get them to the post office before 3 (when I thought they closed) well... they now close at 1... so didn't think they would make it in time. But they did... A Christmas Miracle.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Very Doggy Christmas...

Merry Christmas...

Woody was the most excited about Christmas this year. He had been sniffing around the tree the past few days smelling the dogs bones and toys. He is an expert at unwrapping. Bear didn't really care but enjoyed the treats when they were open.



Christmas came a few days early... We got a new (or fixed) garage. All we need to do it paint which is Shaw's chore tomorrow! He has been having lots of fun putting all his tools back and getting all organized to "do work."
Way Before... like when we bought the house...

Sept. 1st... Right after Gustav...

No more Tree...

Work has Started...


A Happy Guy...

All Organized...

A roof and siding...

And a door completes the garage!!!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Sooo... I'm on the couch with my foot elevated for the 2nd day and thought I would blog about it...

Lets go back and start on Sunday around 3 o clock.... OUCH... CRAP CRAP CRAP. A nail through my slipper, sock and about 1/2 inch into my foot. Our garage looks great! (will blog about it being complete soon!) We were tearing down some old shelves and ripping out some odd and nasty drywall. A large and old nail poking through some wood was standing up waiting for me to step on it.

We made a trip to our normal Med "Quickie" Stop Monday morning for a much needed tetanus shot. I couldn't really walk on my foot and it was swollen with a bruise crawling up the side.

I got....
3 shots... a tetnus, antibiotic and one very painful one into my foot to numb it so he could dig in and clean it. (oh and flu shot might as well while I was there)

4 prescriptions... antibiotic, anti swelling, ointment and a pain medicine

and instructions to keep off it and keep it up in order to stay out of the hospital and away from surgery.

I'm stir crazy and annoyed with myself but what is one to do?!?!?


Some information that Mr. Doctor man told me that I thought was quite interesting...

It's worse to be wearing tennis shoes when a nail punctures the shoe and your foot. Something about the nail pushing toxins from the shoes sole into your foot and it getting trapped and making it worse.

Even though my dad still would have been mad that I did not have appropriate foot wear on to be out working in the garage I may have saved myself more pain and suffering.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


What... I know... but yes snow...

It's snowing!

Bear loves it... Woody is concerned and probably cold.

The fence line...

Our house!!!

Mail box... I wonder if the mails going to still come...
Their creed states:
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"
My dad was the prime example of this!

FYI: that's a shadow of a snow flake on my lip... not a huge pimple.

Our car... Drove like a champ.

Snow is so pretty!

The only down side to this very cool and snowy day is that Shaw was not home to see it and is not sure he'll be able to get home today :( Love you sweetie!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving or Christmas?!?!?

Tonight we had a very confused holiday. I think were celebrating Thanksgiving (because my bro in law Lee was at work for the actual day) but had holiday music, candy houses and Christmas decorations surrounding us.

Michelle's beautiful table and tree...

Aunti Heidi is the best... just ask Cooper... he'll say "yesh... Heidi!"

Allie Girl- she's really happy when she's happy

My goofy family. Michelle and Lee

Allie girl!

Cooper drinking out of mama good china.

About 1 min after that last picture... water all over the floor. Uuhh ooHH!

Candy Houses... our evening craft project... mine is the coolest one... the one with the brown walls.

For more photos about this fun evening please see...

Friday, December 5, 2008


NEW CARPET! Yes it was long overdue. And I would like to formally apologize to all the visitors that me made stay back there with all that evil carpet. Our multi colored dirty tan and bright blue is gone. Even the nice carpet man said "wow- 2 colors." Once he was done he said... "one color is much better!" and I agree completely. It took them awhile to install 8:30 to 2:30. But well worth all their work!


Ripped out....
yes pee stains.

Bare Floors...

New padding...

Completely awesomely... all done!

I like-eeee!

a Bird sized Brain

I wish birds were a little more bright. Why is it that they can manage to get into a room/garage/house and are unable to get out. Last night is a great example. A good sized bird, I would say with wing span the size of a dinner plate, got trapped in the drum room. Well not trapped... just was too stupid to get out. I opened 2 windows (the ones with out the screen) and the sliding glass door along with the door that he (I call him a HE cause a SHE would not have been so spastic or dumb) got in through. Opening these were not an easy task for me. Being dive bombed by this big crazy bird is not my idea of fun. With many escape routes it still took him 10 mins of flying into the tops of the windows, sitting on the top of the door, and running into the ceiling fan (which was off... but still comical) until he finally hit the top of the window but this time fell down through the opening. Finally free...

I'm not sure what I was more concerned about... my walls, windows and drum room contents or the bird. Or maybe it was the fact that I would have to pick the dead bird if he kept flying suicidally hard into things that I was so eager to help him escape. It was extremely cold and I had shorts and no shoes on in hopes for a quick trip outside just to turn off the lights. Nonetheless I am happy that he is free and I am hopeful that learned something from last nights adventure.

We have had other experiences with this... other smaller birds in the house, a baby flying squirrel (who was so cute and pet potential but she was most likely rabid) and numerous large dragonflies who all needed help to be free. If only God made their brains a tad bit bigger maybe they would be able to get out themselves out of these sticky situations... but then again maybe we would be over populated with birds, squirrels and bugs. It is my pledge that I can continue to help these animals in need. That is unless the animal is a snake, rat or cockroach.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It was 29 degrees this morning when I left for work..... and I was cold.

and so was my car....