Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A blog for both sexes...

Here's for all you manly men...
Shaw's garage is finally complete...

Everything has a place and everything in it's place!!!

And a lounge zone.

And for the ladies...

We got a spa!!!

two loungers...

has a cd player and pop up speakers...

The view from my lounge!

Most awesome craigslist find yet... We had it deliverd yesterday at 2pm was warm enough by midnight and it was AWESOME!!! Looking forward to a dip in a few hours...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Foo Man and Choo

We did it... got new kitties!!!

Meet the newest members of the family...
Foo Man

We adopted them from the farmers market in Templeton... walked down on a Saturday morning to get some artichokes for lunch and came back with 2 kittens... no artichokes...

We adopted them from the humane society and Shaw wheeled and dealed... got 2 for the price of one $75... then Shaw raised the price and gave them an extra $25 for donation. They are all done with shots and got the baby maker parts eliminated.
They are pretty fun. Sleep a lot and love to hide under the bed. They are slowly getting to know the dogs and are getting more brave everyday.

They are very quarky and strange... kinda like shaw and sweet and cuddly... just like me!!!

Once again the proud parents of 2 dogs and 2 cats... ahh. the responsibilities!!!