Monday, February 28, 2011

SNOW... and 5 years...

For our 5 year anniversary and 1st real vacation/honey moon we went to the Shaver Lake and rented this really cool cabin up on the mountain. Since ShawZ has never really seen snow fall we decided going up to the snow would be a great vacation, we got our fair share of snow fall like 4 feet!!!!

Having fun and exploring the area, we found a natural snow man. The scenery was awesome one the most beautiful places we've ever seen, very peaceful and epic you can really feel the power of nature in a place like this.

We had to clean a litttle, kinda by choice. We got cabin fever by day 2 and helped the snow plower guy Ross clear off the deck and driveway also the spa needed some attention. It was fun we felt like the locals. Our poor car had to sleep outside for a night and this is what happened!! No worries though we gave him a bath as soon as we got home;)
Thanks to our Via Vega friends for the wine, it is cool(no pun intended) having an extra fridge outside.
Chillin out took up a majority of our time, it was nice and warm especially with the new custom headband thanks to Heidi. It reminded us off Frodo Land and it was very easy to slip away into the scenery. We hope to make it a annual event and want to thank all our friends (Mike and Lauren Dorian, Justin and Shorty, Jared and Brooks Pecot) for making the trip up and celebrating our 5 wonderfull years of marriage. WHOOP WHOOP!!!

love ShawZ


Lee, Michelle, Cooper 4 and Allie 3 said...

How Fun! On really, HOW FUN! Did you ski? No ski pictures???? One of these years we will join you - since it'll be an annual event!
Love the headband :)

Lee, Michelle, Cooper 4 and Allie 3 said...

"On really" ok I didn't know I was dyslectic

I meant, "No really, HOW FUN!"