Saturday, December 3, 2011

Remi Mikel has arrived!

Remi Mikel Thompson is here!!!!

Remi made his debu Sunday morning at 8:04. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and measured 20 3/4.
The name was decided in the labor room a few mins after he came out. He was screaming and seemed more like a Remi than Miles. I think if he would have been calm, cool and collected we would have a Miles... but Remi fits him perfectly!

Remi looks exactly like Shaw in his baby pictures. He has long fingers and big feet like me. I think he has a little dimple in his chin like the Schlecht side. We will see who he starts to grow and look more like. He's got a bunch of dark hair which is already getting lighter.
We have had a lot of visitors and Remi has most everyone fooled that he rarely cries...
Grams- She's had a busy week... grandsons' times three. Remi is exactly one week older than his Texas cousins Cody and Tucker... Although they were born at 27 weeks so we are unsure who is REALLY technically older.

Can't get this photo to rotate. Momo... Shaw's mom is very excited... it's her 1st grandchild.
Chilling at home. Remi has been great. Fitting in well.

love looking at our little man. I think he's the smartest, cutest and best baby ever... although that might be my crazy mommy hormones.
Here is how it all went down...

I felt different on Saturday morning... few cramps. I was ready and hoping it was it. At about 6 pm we started timing the contractions. They were 10-15 mins apart. We chilled out tried to get some sleep while I watched the clock. At about midnight they were more consistent 1 every 4-5 mins uncomfortable but not super crazy (now I know what super crazy is). We went to the hospital got monitored and was 2.5 cm. walked around to try to get it to progress, 2nd time being monitored my contractions were coupling- 2 strong ones together, 5 min break (less consistent) and checked again 3 cm. The nurse called the Dr on call, they suggested we go home. The nurse said they have often sent people home at this stage and not seen them back is 2-3 days. BUMMED I took the vicoden they gave me and we went home to 'rest'. This was at 3:30am. Good thing we live so close to the hospital because at 5:30 the pain was bad bad bad. I was nervous to go back after just being sent home and them to be like nope sorry your only a 4. We rushed back, they wheeled me up all quick. Checked me this time and I was at 8 cm. Missed my chance for the epidural (which was the one thing I did not think/want to happen). I got some demeral after 3 pokes to start an IV... did not care... just wanted/needed some meds. It HURT more than I would have imagined! (although in my head the epidural was not going to be missed) Demeral made me loopy for about 10 mins then it HURT again. Dr. Stanislas was on call. She was much to calm and cool and collected for the situation but just another day for her. I pushed for about 30 mins. HURT! Everyone kept saying we can see his hair... My response to them was "well get him out then." His pulse dropped some so they did a vaccume assist which was awesome because I NEEDED him to get out and the pain to stop. It was amazing feeling the pressure relief when his head was out. Small Pressure for the body then had this LARGE thing screaming and moving around. I tore a little (TMI); feeling and seeing her sew me up was odd. Good think I was distracted by my baby on my belly.
Yea- for a healthy baby boy but OUCH!

Shaw was awesome throughout the whole process. Cut the cord even with his squemish belly button issues and encouraged me through it all. He is a pro at changing poopy diapers and swaddling.
I am better and better each day. I felt like I was hit by a bus for 2 days, amazingly sore for 5 days and feeling pretty good 8 days out! Still moving slow and limiting my movement.

The dogs and cats are interested. Dealing with the decrease of attention and coping with the screams. I'm looking forward to going for a walk.

Welcome Remi!
We love you!


ashley said...

OMG! You are such a trooper my awesome, beautiful mommy friend! So happy Remi is here safe! You had me screaming and Josh asking what was wrong with that last part :). I'm so happy for you and shaw! Love you so much and hope you're soaking up every second with that amazing baby!

Rachel said...

Congratulations!!! We can't wait to meet your new little man!!!! Lets have a baby play date after the holidays!!!!

The Hill Family said...

You are a strong woman!!! We love Remi already and so very happy for you guys!