Thursday, January 22, 2009

OBAMA party

So... Shaw being Mr. Political... like really... watches MSNBC all the time... at 6 in the morning, while we work out at the gym, hardball's always on at 4 in our house. So to say the least he has been looking forward to January 2oth for a really long time. Inauguration Day. We planned on having an Obama Party... which means Michelle and the kids come over and the neighbors if they don't have anything better to do. We had rules to come as either your favorite African American or something political or nothing... so I guess our rules aren't really rules.

Shaw had some issues while trying to watch the Inauguration live. The power went out... so he hooked up the generator in order to watch it live and to be able to record it for me. That's commitment. I missed the jumbled up swearing in but got to watch his speech.

Michelle and the kids came as stars and stripes.

I was the statue of liberty.

And Shaw's costume kept changing through the night. He was wearing a black velvet suit... so was a guy named Black Velvet from a show on MTV, a politician, a rocker or just really happy... depending on the photo.

We had some very tasty ribs with potatoes, rice and salad. And king cake for dessert. An overall good time!

Photo by Mady.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

To Texas...

Last weekend we went to Texas to visit...

She is a way cool girl who is just like me. I would bet she is the coolest girl in all of Texas. We also got to see a lot of...

Her very cool boy toy of a boyfriend. Josh and Shaw are too much alike it's a little crazy.

We had a very fun trip but did a bad job remembering to take pictures... We went to IKEA!!! We had sushi and too much to drink one night. We had a morning of taking it easy because of the too much to drink night. Josh made breakfast and the greasy bacon and coffee was the cure. We went through a crazy maze and walked around old town Fort Worth I think it was. Something about steam engines and old times and cattle. Um... don't really remember... We had some AWESOME Mexican food which we had been craving for a long time. After some down time we rebooted and went out for a few drinks at a very cool bar. We destroyed Ashleys apartment and I'm sure her bathroom has never been so used. And some of my favorite time... chilling and chatting at home with my fun friend Ashley.

Ashley is my friend who lived here and then moved away. We have been friends longer apart than we have when we lived near each other. She evacuated with my sister while Shaw and I stayed for Katrina... Ashley if only you would have stayed... we would have had so much fun having a hurricane party together!!! Haha that seems like forever ago.

The drive there wasn't too bad. We had the excitement of Ashley to look forward to. (and she is very exciting) The ride home was tougher and seemed longer. I guess the dogs arn't as exciting as Ashley although we were happy to see them and they even more happy to see us. We had major car butt. Our Mazda 3 ran great and we had many "terrain change". I knitted a scarf and 2 hats and we did a large number of crossword puzzles and word searches.

We decided... we are not driving next time. And we are glad that it's Ashley and Josh's turn next!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

movie night!

Here is the 2nd night to our movie night...

Setting it up...

Chilling by the fire... with movie playing...

Dance party during the credits... watching our shadows.

Of course the boys are talking about how we are going to make it bigger and better... it was awesome just the way it was!


We had the most ultimate movie night. We had a really cool projector borrowed from our cool neighbor who works at a hotel and projected it onto our ceiling.

Our setup

Our view

you can kinda see it.

kinda a funny movie... but we did both fall asleep...

Tonight we are going to try again with the cool neighbors to do an outside drive in style set up... I'll post more pictures if I remember to take some.