Friday, May 25, 2012

long over due!

It's been too long and I apoligize... life has been busy!!!

Here are a few pictures about what we have been up to...
Easter Sunday was fun.  We went to Church with the family (which Remi slept throu) and then enjoyed the day at the park. It was a perfectly sunny day.  Remi had another nap under a tree as our annulal family kick ball game going.

 We made a trip to Texas.  Here is Cody, Tucker and Remi.  The boys are technically a week older than Remi.  We had fun showing the big cousins (Cooper and Allie) what was in store for them when their brother get bigger.  Remi was a great traveler and trooper.
 Silly boy!
 He is on the move.  A master roller. 
Our sitting skills are getting good too =) 

Here are 2 short videos...

Our little baby will be 6 months in a few days!!!  Crazy!