Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sad Day... Goodbye FooMan

Sad day on Florence St.

Foo Man used up his last of his 9 lives. He lost a battle with a car while crossing our busy street.

Foo was a great kitty. Pretty Kitty with a crazy personality.

He is survived by his parents, brothers, Woody and BearBear, sister, Choo and new brother Remi.

Our dog cat. Loved laying around with the boys, BearBear and Woody.

Practicing for Remi's arrival using a carrier. Foo was a big baby and loved to nurse on his special fleece blanket... "mommy blanket."

Bear Bear and Foo snuggling. We got him cause his colors were so simular to BearBear... pretty kitty!

His favorite play items were never cat toys... dryer sheets, bobby pins, socks, hair bands

We will miss your crazy kitty!!!