Monday, November 29, 2010

a deck...

We built a deck...

The deck is near the spa, right off our bedroom door and deck. It was a bit of a waste of space that the dogs would lay in to get nice and dirty.


Shawz working hard...

Bear Bear and Woody both enjoy it... laying and playing on it before it was even finished... they still have plenty of dirt to roll around in... so don't worry about them.

relaxing and sitting for the 1st time in 6 hours... a long but productive day!

It's Done!!!
My husband is soooo handy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Piece by Piece

Come by and see us...

Piece by Piece is making it's 1st appearance...
artfully recycled art and gifts by Jackie and Heidi

Central Coast Craft Fair and Boutique

Friday November 26th
Saturday November 27th

10 am to 4 pm

Veterans Memorial Buildling
801 Grand Ave
San Luis Obispo

For more info call me... (805)459-6129

Here is what some of our art looks like... magazine mosaics...

wine bottles
my favorite one I am selling... Magazine mosaic art
my mom prefers the ripped magazine look... very cool and has a different look.

lots of crosses in lots of sizes
candel holders
wine corks

We also have some very cute book marks, necklaces and more...