Monday, November 29, 2010

a deck...

We built a deck...

The deck is near the spa, right off our bedroom door and deck. It was a bit of a waste of space that the dogs would lay in to get nice and dirty.


Shawz working hard...

Bear Bear and Woody both enjoy it... laying and playing on it before it was even finished... they still have plenty of dirt to roll around in... so don't worry about them.

relaxing and sitting for the 1st time in 6 hours... a long but productive day!

It's Done!!!
My husband is soooo handy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Piece by Piece

Come by and see us...

Piece by Piece is making it's 1st appearance...
artfully recycled art and gifts by Jackie and Heidi

Central Coast Craft Fair and Boutique

Friday November 26th
Saturday November 27th

10 am to 4 pm

Veterans Memorial Buildling
801 Grand Ave
San Luis Obispo

For more info call me... (805)459-6129

Here is what some of our art looks like... magazine mosaics...

wine bottles
my favorite one I am selling... Magazine mosaic art
my mom prefers the ripped magazine look... very cool and has a different look.

lots of crosses in lots of sizes
candel holders
wine corks

We also have some very cute book marks, necklaces and more...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween- fly on a wall

a wall and a fly... a fly on a wall.

kinda creepy at times...
mostly funny...


We had fun being cheezy.

Shaw's wall was legit (maybe a little heavy) complete with an outlet and a light switch. I had the correct numbers of legs and buzzed around all night.
This was Shaw's 1st Halloween home for 4 years... and a fun one it was!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Trip to Oroville

This past weekend we went up to see my grandma and grandpa Schlecht. It has been a long time since seeing them and the 5 1/2 hour drive up wasn't too bad but wish we lived a little closer.
Saturday was their 64th wedding Anniversary... :)

We got a tour of the houseboat which is about 2-3 weeks away from launch date... A big storm on the lake sunk it about 2 1/2 years ago.

The inside is much bigger and it is looking great! Putting it back together has been a family affair... which is the perfect name still after all these years! and One more time which was the name of my dad's boat!

Us 3 (thanks Shaw for taking the picture)

Saturday morning we decided to go on a the Feather Falls hike. 6th tallest waterfall in the US. I have been up to Oroville about 20 times and haven't ever done the hike.

a small fall one the way. it was about 9 miles round trip.

pictures really don't do it justice... it was very tall and pretty cool.

Proof we made it...

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the visit and all the yummy food.
And Happy 64th Anniversary.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A blog for both sexes...

Here's for all you manly men...
Shaw's garage is finally complete...

Everything has a place and everything in it's place!!!

And a lounge zone.

And for the ladies...

We got a spa!!!

two loungers...

has a cd player and pop up speakers...

The view from my lounge!

Most awesome craigslist find yet... We had it deliverd yesterday at 2pm was warm enough by midnight and it was AWESOME!!! Looking forward to a dip in a few hours...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Foo Man and Choo

We did it... got new kitties!!!

Meet the newest members of the family...
Foo Man

We adopted them from the farmers market in Templeton... walked down on a Saturday morning to get some artichokes for lunch and came back with 2 kittens... no artichokes...

We adopted them from the humane society and Shaw wheeled and dealed... got 2 for the price of one $75... then Shaw raised the price and gave them an extra $25 for donation. They are all done with shots and got the baby maker parts eliminated.
They are pretty fun. Sleep a lot and love to hide under the bed. They are slowly getting to know the dogs and are getting more brave everyday.

They are very quarky and strange... kinda like shaw and sweet and cuddly... just like me!!!

Once again the proud parents of 2 dogs and 2 cats... ahh. the responsibilities!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sammy and Sinbad...

We have had 2 losses in the family... one good one bad...

Sammy is no longer with us... She is in Kitty heaven. We are not really sure what happened but our guess is she ate something posinous. We found her 2 weeks ago Saturday morning... and she's buried under the tree in the fround yard. She was a good kitty and I miss her. Poor timing... we just put in a kitty door... Maybe more kittens??? We can't seem to decide.

On a happier note... Sinbad has a new life... He's is now a part of the Weatherby family. He has a nicer and bigger cage, new light and water bowl... Conner and Dana are being great pet parents and are loving it... As for Brenda and Adam... A snake is the easiest pet to have so they are also happy. Oh yeah... and with his new life... he has a new name... Felipe.

Our good doggies!!!

Bear Bear and Woody

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's Official!!!

Whahooo the house is ours!

Let the small projects begin...

Question... are black berries that are hanging over the fence into the shared alleyway fair game to pick and eat... especially if the people who own that property don't even live there?!?!

That's what I thoughts... they are tasty! =)

Friday, June 25, 2010

all settled... and in love!

Our New House!!! We all love it!

Oh Bear Bear

Sam is a happy kitty now-
She had a tough week and 2 days staying inside-
she couldn't make it the full 2 weeks (and either could we)

It is a very relaxed place to chill out... Templeton gets a great little breeze that runs right through the house! We have had a few little BBQ's and it fits everyone perfectly!
We are still awaiting our final Short Sale Approval from the Bank. But are really ready to sign and make this place truely ours! We will be happy here for many years!!!
PS. we love visitors!!!